Friday, March 23, 2007

Marathons Don't Train for Themselves...

Okay - so I updated the ticker with my pathetic amount of running. I know that the mileage will climb dramatically as Spring comes and I get back into the routine of running off the stress.

With the Sporting Life 10k just over a month away I really need to get my bum in gear. I want to PB at this race (<66minutes) - so I need to get in better shape, and NOW.

Today I'm on my way out to run strict intervals. I'm going to do 5:1's I think, because I'm still working on my cardio, and as always, it's better for me to emerge triumphant from a good run than come out discouraged from a bad one. Either way though - I'm going to do strict intervals - which should be enough to keep me running when I don't want to be anymore.

I'm planning a quick route from here, across the main intersection nearby - through the neighbourhoods down there, down to the park, around the top loop of the park, and home again. I'm fairly certain it's around a 7km route - so we'll see how it goes. I may just decide to run in backwards.

Okay -- My gameplan (revised because I have no money) - Sporting Life 10k (registered), Nissan 10 Miler in July (will get early registration, so $30), then in May I'll find out if I got into NYC, so it'll either be that in November and the Scotia Half in September. Or Toronto Full in October with the Montreal International Half in September. I figure 4 big races are enough for the year. Angus Glen Half is one I've been considering as well, because I've heard it's a lovely Fall course - but we'll see.

That's it - must get going for my run soon. Armed with some water, a handful of almonds, a Vanilla gel and some enthusiasm!

UPDATE: I just got home. 6km of the BEST run I've had of 2007! Seriously, I went strong until the end! Yay me! 4km on the plan tomorrow, then hopefully 8-10k on Sunday morning.

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