Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday LSD - ~7km

Wow -- I remember when an LSD was 15km. Today was 7km

It was a little cold outside -- I had warm spots and cold ones on my body, and I forgot my extra pieces of gum - which sucked. But it was okay.

My left foot went numb again --- and I had some mild cramping that I attribute to the fact that I'm running in my Adreneline's - which only have about 20km on them. What freaked me out though was the hot-spot I developed on my left insole around the 6th Km. I blame it on my socks - I was running in cheap cotton socks, but now have a tiny blister - which is more of a pain in the ass than anything. Must make a point to go out and buy more of the Double layer socks.

It was an okay run. Slow - but that's the point. 7km is the ready-mark for the 10k race, so that's good. I just need to improve my fitness and speed before Sporting Life. I'd like to run 4km at Race Pace sometime this week....

Friday, March 23, 2007

Marathons Don't Train for Themselves...

Okay - so I updated the ticker with my pathetic amount of running. I know that the mileage will climb dramatically as Spring comes and I get back into the routine of running off the stress.

With the Sporting Life 10k just over a month away I really need to get my bum in gear. I want to PB at this race (<66minutes) - so I need to get in better shape, and NOW.

Today I'm on my way out to run strict intervals. I'm going to do 5:1's I think, because I'm still working on my cardio, and as always, it's better for me to emerge triumphant from a good run than come out discouraged from a bad one. Either way though - I'm going to do strict intervals - which should be enough to keep me running when I don't want to be anymore.

I'm planning a quick route from here, across the main intersection nearby - through the neighbourhoods down there, down to the park, around the top loop of the park, and home again. I'm fairly certain it's around a 7km route - so we'll see how it goes. I may just decide to run in backwards.

Okay -- My gameplan (revised because I have no money) - Sporting Life 10k (registered), Nissan 10 Miler in July (will get early registration, so $30), then in May I'll find out if I got into NYC, so it'll either be that in November and the Scotia Half in September. Or Toronto Full in October with the Montreal International Half in September. I figure 4 big races are enough for the year. Angus Glen Half is one I've been considering as well, because I've heard it's a lovely Fall course - but we'll see.

That's it - must get going for my run soon. Armed with some water, a handful of almonds, a Vanilla gel and some enthusiasm!

UPDATE: I just got home. 6km of the BEST run I've had of 2007! Seriously, I went strong until the end! Yay me! 4km on the plan tomorrow, then hopefully 8-10k on Sunday morning.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


I have to admit - I haven't run in awhile. Last week (Thursday) we had a HUGE snowstorm, followed by about 12 hours of 1 degree weather -- which is basically a recipe for ice.

Tried to run once last week, didn't make it out for my long run -- and am STILL plagued by huge amounts of ice. I'm thinking of making myself a pair of "screw shoes" (ie. using my power drill to screw 15-20 sheet metal screws into the bottoms of a pair of shoes to help me grip the ice), but I'm convinced that this cold weather isn't going to last longer than a couple more weeks.

After the whole Erik-Half-Marathon mix-up drama last week I've been thinking about the whole Half-Marathon thing. The prospect of running it with a buddy would have kicked me into high gear for training.... but I know that a half-marathon in May means that I won't really be in top form. Because I didn't have my credit card with me that day I didn't sign up at the time ---- and now I'm rethinking the plan.

There are two options:

1 -- Run the Ottawa half ---- and be happy with the time, regardless (I'm guessing it would be between 2:20 and 2:30). It means not being in good shape, but it does push me into high gear in terms of long distances - and in a decent spot for marathon training through the summer.

2 -- Run the Sporting Life 10k AND the Ottawa 10k races --- Prior to all this NYC Marathon application madness my goal for this season was to run a Sub-60 minute 10k. It would help me become a stronger runner and put me in a better position for a 2:10:00 half, and hopefully ultimately a 4:30 marathon. If I chose this option I would do an early September half-Marathon and a late fall Marathon (ie. Probably Scotia or Montreal Half and then NYC or Hamilton Full)

Logistically I know option #2 is a better idea all around -- in terms of training safety and stuff. I'm just not sure if missing out on an early half would mean that it'd be higher to kick myself into higher gear through the summer or not. With the weather up hear though, I'm not sure what's going to happen - I don't run outside in -10 weather, and it's been -20 a few times this week.

Bah -- I just want spring to come.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Failed Run.

I couldn't even attempt to run this morning. I got dressed, had the ipod, was pumped to go. Got outside and realized that thanks to Thursday's storm, and yesterday's nice weather -- the sidewalks are covered with an extremely thin sheet of ice. I went about half a block before concluding that it's just NOT worth breaking an ankle over.

Will attempt to run outside this afternoon when it hopefully gets a little warmer and that ice melts.

In other news: Sonia's running the Chilly Half tomorrow! As is a bunch of my other running friends -- Toby, Ken, Vanessa, Kayla and Kim... just to name a few! I'm trying to get out there to cheer them on --- but I think my ride's falling through. I was supposed to hitch a ride out there with a friend-of-a-friend, but he hasn't e-mailed me back, so I don't think I'll be going with him. If I don't make it out there tomorrow morning I'll run 10k tomorrow so that I'll be with you guys & your sore muscles in spirit!

Yes, 10k is less than half the distance of a half-marathon --- but I'm sympathizing, not trying to kill myself here!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Mmm -- had a plan, for all of about 20 minutes.

So I decided this morning to officially train, and run, the Ottawa Half.

I told Erik, my running American running friend, with whom I'd been chatting with about it, of my intention and he hopped on the bandwagon as well. So we spent an hour or two trading back and forth info over MSN as we sat in our respective offices, in our respective cities, each in our own country.

We filled out the registration forms, decided on our respective travel information. He booked a flight. I looked up car rental information. We spent about an hour trading links back and forth about hotels before he found a great one (The Lord Elgin) and booked it. I was psyched about that hotel!

It was all set, and we were both totally pumped.

and then the duh, duh, DAH.

He remembered there was an informal work meeting that weekend in New York. So he cancelled... one at a time: the flight, the hotel, the weekend.

I'm a little dissapointed - I was really looking forward to running that race with my buddy. I was also looking forward to spending a weekend hanging out with a good friend in a city that I totally get a kick out of.

Now I have to rethink my plan. I was set to run it alone this morning, and then I had a partner in crime, now it looks like I'll be doing it alone again. I have friends there, who are already offering me places to stay and entertainment. I also have family I haven't seen in awhile. I know that going up would be a happy experience.

I'm just going to miss sharing that experience with my running buddy :(

I didn't run today, we got a HUGE snowstorm instead. I think I'll go out and shovel some snow instead. It's not TECHNICALLY my job (the landlord's pay someone to do that), but I could use the exercise....

Peace out and happy trails.