Monday, May 4, 2009

i <3 my bike.

I was so lazy this weekend, it was a bit silly in fact - but my muscles feel way better today.

On Saturday I joined the bike rally crowd for a quick 46km training ride - where I met the super nice Christine, who helped me battle headwinds and was my company for a super quick last half of the ride. It was a good ride, the first half took FOREVER (maybe an hour and twenty?) while the last half was a super speedy 40 minutes or so. All in all a respectable ride at about 21km/hour speeds averaged.

In the afternoon I went hiking with my Aunt in Milton - which was great, even though we got rained on, but I think I've found a new favourite activity (aside from cycling, and soccer). It was great though.

Speaking of Soccer. Our two "newbie practices" last week were great, and alot of fun! I totally appreciated Hege, and the other women who came out to help us out. It was alot of fun to play with a bunch of people who didn't have much more skill than I. My plan this week is to spend at least two afternoons in the park practicing my dribbling skills... I need it!

Okay.. so maybe I wasn't THAT lazy. I can feel the muscles starting to engage again, which is nice.

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