Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Bah -- I'm sick.

But I DID suck it up on Saturday to get through a 35km ride with Mar & the TBN Saturday Morning Riders. I had to, I knew if I backed out I'd have a rough time getting Martha to commit again.

But it was great. She was scared - reasonably so, given that she'd never gone that far, and was giving up control of her Saturday morning to try out her first athletic endeavour in a decade or so. I tried to be sympathetic - but really I was just too pumped to finally have a biking buddy!

So we did it. Exactly 35.146km of cycling. An overall average speed of about 17.5km/hr. Two hours. And aside from a sore bum she did GREAT! We celebrated with Burgers and Fountain Pop at Licks.

I'm glad, and she had such an exercise high she wants to do it again this weekend. I'm so happy I'm not the only crazy willing to get up at 8am on a Saturday to get some cycling in.

This weekend is the first OFFICIAL training ride for the rally. 34 km.

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