Saturday, March 21, 2009

SMR - First ride out of the season.

Aside from some commuting this was my first Saturday morning ride with TBN. There weren't too many people there - but it was nice because I got to chat with a few, and this man Charles, who's been biking forever, gave me lots of good tips.

Otherwise - today wasn't a huge day. 34km from the Boardwalk Pub to Mimico and then home from there. Average speed was about 16.5km/hour (pretty leisurely) - and it took probably about 2 1/2 hours.

I was just thinking that I'm wondering what the average speed of the Bike Rally will be - - I'm thinking probably around 20-24km/hour - but who knows really. That means that most days, if we started by 8:30 every morning we'd be at the lunchbreak by 11:00am, and then probably be at camp by about 3pm (this is including some food break stops). That doesn't seem so unmanagable --- today anyways. Though I guess we'll see, I've never cycled more than 70k at a time before....

So the week's training plan:
This afternoon - stretch.
Sunday - 40km on the Humber River Trail - with a goal of an average speed of 23km/hour.
During the week - Commuting to work & Back.
Saturday: TBN Saturday Morning Ride
Sunday: (Maybe) Kettleby-Maple ride with TBN (76km...)

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