Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Things that must be begged, borrowed or bought....

A preliminary list of things I need for the ride:

Bike Stuff -
- Tires (low-priority, but look into new tires with a less-tight bead to get them on/off easier).
- Handlebars (again, low-priority - - but if time/money allows then have the bar/stem swapped out for something that fits better to my short girl-arms)
- Handlebar Bag (for holding things like sunscreen, sunglasses, money, etc...)

Clothing -
- 2nd pair of cycling gloves
- 3rd pair of cycling shorts
- 1 jersey
- water-resistant, breathable jacket - that packs down small.
- some headbands for under the helmet
- possibly a new pair of cycling shoes.

Equipment -
- Tent
- Sleeping Bag
- Bowl, Plate, Cup, utensils
- Air mattress
- Mesh bag

Hmmmmmm.... come to think of it, that list isn't so bad. Way shorter than I expected. I was at the Spring Bike Show last weekend and picked up tubes, a minipump, and a camelback. Maybe I'm being a little naive, but I don't really see how all the necessities will fill two Rubbermaid Tubs up completely - I see one being for clothes/personal items and the other being for camping stuff and bike equipment -- but even then????

Mmmm -- I'm sure the overpacking beast will emerge sooner or later.

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