Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Okay.... So a Training Plan.

As much as I'd love to whine about fundraising I won't. I'm saving that for a much warmer day.

I'm going to start my warm weather fantasies with thinking about the Training Plan. Bah!

By my estimates I reasonably need to drop about 20lbs before the rally. In my world I'd like to drop about 40, but we all need to start somewhere. I need to work on my Abs, my back muscles, my ass, and stretching. The rest will come naturally. I need to improve my cardiovascular fitness enough that I won't be a sweaty mess at the end of my day.

I also need to do technical things to the bike like fix the 2nd bottle cage holder (or rather, get the broken screws out of the holes and buy a new one), look into a new headset/bar combo (along with re-taping and re-cabling) and buying some spiffy tires that get on with minimal swearing.

Cycling can't possibly start for another month at least so in the meantime here's the plan:
- 1 day boxercise/week
- 1 evening swimming/week (maybe 2)
- 3 days 20 minute cross-training workouts (30 day shred)
- 2 days of Rebounding/Trampolining for 1 hour (or substitute for walking outside)

That's not so bad, won't take more than an hour and a half a day to do - and some of them are social activities at least.

So that's the plan, stay tuned. Cycling season begins end of March.

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