Sunday, July 15, 2007

Race was slow, a full minute longer per km than my normal pace - which is a little excessive.

That said, I do have some hope - I had some problems with my left foot going numb at about the 3rd km, and had to walk until the 4th km when it dissapated. It's a symptom that was present early this year when I took a break from running (hoping the problem would solve itself), but alas, it's still there. But, the fact that I put 5 minutes on my normal 5k time, with still walking 20-30% of the race, meant that I was actually RUNNING faster than I normally would have. For the first 2k I maintained a solid 6 MPK, so that is great, because that's a pace I'd like to learn to maintain for longer distances.

So my personal notes:
I need to do something about my foot. I can't keep having it go numb, because it sucks. The medic at the race suggested buying gel pads for my shoes.

I need to work on my cardio, big time. Biking to work on a regular basis would probably help this - if I could find a way to get out there.

I need to be more consistent in training - should consider coaching the clinic.

Must make & follow a schedule for the Toronto half.

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