Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Holy Busy.

"last post - July 23" -- Yikes!

I have, actually run since July 23. I did some 5ks last week, and 7 km last weekend -- but I'm sad to say that since last Thursday I lost my life balance and running fell to the wayside (isn't that always the way?)

But I DID have a fun weekend -- I went Tubing in the Elora Gorge, which is always fun, and the perfect summer activity. It also required a decent amount of climbing and hiking - so that counts as cross-training I suppose. Attended a friend's birthday party Saturday night, which entailed staying up until 4am --- so needless to say my long run on Saturday was TOTALLY neglected due to a monster hangover. But there was alot of laughing at this party - so perhaps that counts as cardio?

Haha - who am I kidding? I need to get my running shoes on and get out on the road. Tonight I'm going to try to muster up the energy for 5k in the evening hopefully it is glorious, and wonderful, and all that jazz.

My Learn-to-Run clinic at RR starts this Friday. I'm a little worried that the time-commitment required will mean that my whole work-life balance will end up out of whack again (which inevitably makes me not run, and gain weight). That said - I'm optimistic that it'll all work out. If anything it's an incentive to wake up on Sundays to get those long runs in.

My plan for handling coaching and my own training is basically scheduled to the 9's. Wednesday & Fridays aren't usually running days for me anyways --- so I'm going to count my time with the LTR's as cross-training. Tuesday & Thursday are my short-run training days (usually 3-4 miles), and Sundays -- well, Sundays are supposed to be my LSD day, but I'm also supposed to show up to be there to lead my clinic. We'll see, there is an agreement in place to trade off with one of the clinic leaders so that I can get my long runs in --- but we'll see how it goes over the next couple of months.

Whoh. When I look at it on paper I get a little bit of anxiety. It's important to me that running not take OVER my life - and that's alot of scheduled activity. I'd REALLY like to do the Toronto Half again this year, but we'll see.... I'm going to wait until end of August to make that decision. If it ends up being too much then tant pis.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm a clinic instructor too... and a warning, it totally takes over your life!

But its a rewarding challenge and I LOVE it!