Sunday, April 15, 2007

Turning Over a new Leaf...

So last week I ordered Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook --- mostly to both help me figure out how to lose weight while training, as well as eat better.

I didn't gain a heck of alot of new information from the book - but having it is a bit of an incentive to be more on top of myself (like new clothes is a good reason to run)...

Anyways - the best tip I got from her was to top-load your calories for the day - meaning eat more in the morning, less at night. Makes sense when you think about it - but totally goes against social custom.

So today was my long run... I woke up at 7am to eat some leftover Apple/Plum crisp for my first breakfast. Went out for my run at 8:30, and at 10:00 I ate my second breakfast (2 slices of homemade banana bread).

I've anally-retentively planned out my meals from now until Thursday, with times & snacks included. They look like a TON of food, but most of the stuff is healthy, so it works out to around 1400 calories a day or so (my recommended intake is about 1400-1800).

I'm sort of excited to see how it works out for a week at least. My meals look pretty good right now, but we'll see what happens when the cheeseburger craving hits!

I ran about 7km this morning. It was pretty cold out, but it was a decent enough run. Once my exams are done I'm looking forward to having the hours I can just spend out on the road again...


Ralls said...

Good for you, young lady. Stay the course you have set for yourself.
I'm a 71 year old male jogger...runner wanna be (again). Have not ruled out a marathon in my future, legs willing.
Ken Ralls

Anonymous said...

Good Luck in your next race! I enjoyed your comments and blog!
Tom Fleming,
NYC marathon Champion '73 & '75