Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Yay! Stuff bought!

Okay -- so the updated list of things I need
- tubes - 700Cx18-25mm tubes with a minimum 48mm presta valve. Yay - bought 5!
- a new patch kit, Got it!
- handlebar bag to hold stuff on the rally. ($50) Checked them out -- not sure I need it as the Camelback is AWESOME.
- Martha also needs a tire change kit for her bike.
- Rim tape Done!
- Mr. Tuffy tire liners Bought and installed!
- new handlebars Purchased at CBN for $5, must now install them!
- new shorts! (very important!!!) - Bought one pair of awesome ones, may need another pair, but we'll see.
- new gloves Yay!

Thanks Mom!

I also picked up a new pair of sunglasses that are designed for sporty things - both for the sun protection and to have a barrier to keep flying rocks, dust & bugs out of my eyeballs (it happens!). Mountain Equipment Coop has GREAT ones for only $20!

AND I got a duffel bag to bring all my camping gear BACK from Montreal in.

I think I'm all ready to go really.... equipment wise anyways - to which my mom gets HUGE credit for.

Now just to finish up the training and to get the bike tuned.

Oh, and I crashed last weekend, HARD.

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