Monday, April 27, 2009

Cycling my ass off.... literally speaking.

Two back to back (ie. two days in a row) 44km rides accomplished this weekend. One alone, and one as a training ride with the bike rally with Mar (who is such a trooper!).

My right knee was a bit sore yesterday afternoon, so Dr. O (the chiropractor) checked it out for me this morning and gave me some tips to help with the hill climbing so I'm not constantly irritating the tendons. Good stuff. Feels better today.

This week I have to prioritize doing a bit of general maintenance on the bike - lubing, cleaning, tightening etc... I'm seriously considering having my drops swapped out for bullhorns, but that is totally dependent on money - and whether or not I can locate some purple grip tape to replace the stuff currently on my bars (I will ONLY have purple!). Either way I'll go talk to the nice folks at Urbane sometime soon about those possibilities.

I wish I had more interesting stuff to share - but I'm honestly a little bit tired today and my legs are still reminding me of the effort expended this weekend. I did find out this morning that I burned about 1600 calories on each ride - AWESOME.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A short update...

- Martha and I did a wicked awesome 45km ride out to Port Credit and back last weekend, it was so great. We took pictures when we got there.

- I was in Buffalo last weekend as well and bought a tent! And a sleeping back, and an air mattress... I'm all ready to camp this summer!

- I got on a soccer team! Yay! I also bought pretty soccer shoes. They're silver, and blue.

That's all for my sporty-related endeavours. Fund raising is coming along pretty well... I need to raise another 600 or so - but that's not so bad at all!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

An Introductory Post --- I guess.....

I've really been trying to work on the fundraising support lately, which means I'm also directing people to check out my blog... and it occurred to me that here is the place to put that long-winded description (that was cut out of the emails) of the Rally & WHY I'm doing it.

At every Rally meeting I've attended so far the first two questions are "How did you hear about it?" and "Why are you doing it?".

First: The How.

A couple of years ago I had a friend who signed up for it. He never ended up making it to the rally, and dropped out halfway through the training --- but at the time I thought it sounded great. I didn't even own a bike then.

The Why:
On New Years I realized that 2008 felt like a total bust for me in terms of accomplishing goals. I spent the year working at the same job I've worked in since shortly after Graduation, a bad sprain in late 2007 meant that I couldn't run in the 2008 season, and I wasn't any better off financially, socially, or feeling like I did any real personal growth. The one thing I DID do in 2008 was buy a bike - a second-hand Aquila Road bike, I took a basic repair course and I spent one weekend cycling in Niagara with the Toronto Bicycle Network. In January I was reminded again of the rally and decided to sign up - if I accomplished nothing else in 2009 at least I knew I rode my bike all the way from Toronto to Montreal, and that sounded pretty awesome.

The Rally & PWA
I didn't really get behind the whole charity-aspect of the Rally until I started attending the preparation meetings. There I met the great people who run the Toronto People with AIDS foundation, learned about the services they offer, and most importantly - - I met people who live with HIV/AIDS, and heard about their experiences with the disease. I realized then that HIV/AIDS was something I'd always been aware of, but that it had been pushed to the back of my, and many of my friends', subconscious as we weren't aware that we knew anyone personally affected. Since I've become involved with the Rally I've learned of at least one person I know with HIV/AIDS, and I've also learned that it is reaching epidemic proportions within the Aboriginal Community. I also believe strongly in PWA's goal to provide direct, practical support to those who live with HIV/AIDS - and really feel like this is an organization that I am glad to be raising awareness and funds for.

The Preparation
The Bike Rally is at the end of July, all fundraising monies must be in and accounted for by June. In addition to this there is training that must be done.
Training Rides (beginning at 34km and ramping up to 120+km) take place every weekend between now and the rally. I have also joined a recreational soccer league to provide some cross-training. After nearly a year of mostly-inactivity I'm a little sad to admit that I am physically larger than I've ever been, and have a long road ahead to get back into shape. It'll happen though, and I'm excited to be participating this year.

That's about it for now I guess --- let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Team 1?

Well - mere hours after getting my "Welcome to Team 12!" email I got another email saying I've been transferred to Team 1. Huh. Well -- I have a bike rally team at least, not knowing anyone else who's participating it didn't matter to me WHAT team I got put on, but now I guess I can say "I'm on Team #1!".

Awwww well. I haven't been riding much this week, it's been cold, and I've been lazy. Tomorrow it's supposed to warm up quite a bit though so I think the excuses are going to expire pretty quickly. Mar and I are doing another ride a deux on Friday -- I bought her a new seat, I'm excited!

Fundraising has also taken off some. According to my pledge page I'm exactly 57% complete in terms of my fundraising -- that feels WAY better than the 24% I was stalled at for awhile.

That's about it. Just been making mental lists of things I'll need for the ride, and trying to gear up to get some exercise again. I put on quite the amount of winter weight.... must start battling it off soon.