Tuesday, October 9, 2007

6k - in preparation for the 10k clinic.

Tonight a few of us went out for 6km in preparation for the 10k clinic which starts next week.

It was good -- a steady 7.5 mpk pace --- with a 1 minute walk break every 20 minutes (we took 2 walk breaks - we ran just over 40 minutes I think).

It was a good run, I wasn't entirely feeling it - but it made me sweat and didn't have any horrible features (aside from my feet going numb again...)

On Thursday I think we may do the same run again. Friday I may try to run by myself early in the morning because Friday night is suspensions and I won't be able to run at all on Saturday.

The 10k clinic starts on Tuesday. Apparently our goal race is a 10k on December 2. We'll see how it all goes.

I'm considering dropping yoga to run more... because I now have to go to school 2 nights a week. We'll see though.


Sara said...

a 10k in December - hmmm sounds like something I should consider!

Sounds like you had a great run!

Sonia said...

You need to get that numb feet thing resolve. Not good dude! I am thinking you should try orthotics... and loose your shoelaces to the max! lol

December 2nd... Las Vegas half... you know you want to ;-)

Sonia said...

So what's going on running wise lady!! You need to update this blog! lol

Sonia said...

Lady, we need some update! And you're never on messenger!
You've been tagged!