Sunday, September 16, 2007

First time I did THAT in awhile!

So it was a perfect day for a run this morning -- and only one of my LTR'ers showed up to run with me at 8:30! Lucky for me it was one of the more fit ones, and so it was easy for me to convince her that we wanted to do a SUPER long run today :)

Hahaha -- totally against the Learn-To-Run formula, but today I DOUBLED our scheduled run. We were supposed to do 3 repetitions of 6 minute run, 1 minute walk. Instead we did, um, probably about 7 reps :) Yes, that's right - we went for almost an hour today.

Truth be told it wasn't all running - we took extra long breaks to stretch out stiff muscles, we walked up a giant hill in the middle of our run --- in that 55 minutes I think we covered about 7km. But it was still great to get out there for awhile!

Anyways -- I'm 80% sure I'm going to do the Zoo Run on October 13. I like the Zoo, I like Running, being trained for a 10k event would actually be quite awesome. Perhaps I can PB.

Until then, I will do my best not to overtrain my eager learn to run participants!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Chilly Half 2008?

Yesterday I saw my Doctor. We discussed my health history... I told her I used to be a runner, but having taken the Winter off, packed on about 15-20 lbs over the past 6 months. She looked me up and down and asked me what I'm doing for exercise.

We had a discussion. I run with the LTR group - but that's 3km, 3 times a week. I cycle about 45km a week. She looked at me frankly and said "Nothing burns calories like running". It's true.

I've come to the conclusion that it's time to make a choice. Being FAT isn't fun. I miss the way my clothes fit, I hate going into a store and seeing muffin top in a size that was comfortable last spring. That said - I REALLY love pizza, and bread, and butter, and all the rest. So it comes to this - there are three choices on the table here:
1 - I can stay fat, and likely get fatter.
2 - I can eat the Weight Watchers prescribed 1200 calories a day, substituting Salad for all the good foods, avoiding protein because it's too high in Points, and filling my life with substitutes like Sugar-Free Jello.
3 - I can get my ass in gear, run those 20km a week I know I NEED to at least complete to stay in relatively good shape, suck it up, and treat myself to giant breakfasts on the weekends after a long run. Oh - and I have a really good excuse for things like Chocolate Milk and BBQ'd meat.

*sigh* Running hurts, it's not fun 80% of the time, and there is a tendency for it all to become a bit of a cult. But really, my Doctor is right. Nothing burns calories like running does. And really, nothing will afford me the lifestyle I want.

That's it I guess. Time to suck it up Buttercup.

I'm going to try to get myself in good enough shape to run the Chilly Half this winter. I'm not all that excited about this race because of the way it was managed last year - but there aren't alot of options for Half's in February.

It's September now - is that too early to think about the 2008 season? At this point in time this is how it would look for me: Chilly Half, Ottawa Half, Tri's and Du's and Adventure Racing over the Summer, Montreal Half, Scotia/Toronto full in the fall (maybe).

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Fat, AND with a sore bum.

I'd guesstimate I've put about 100km on my bike so far -- mostly through long 30km rides, but it's all good. The problem with doing long distance riding is that it hurts the bum! On Tuesday I'd guesstimate we did about 31k out to Mississauga and back... it's safe to say I won't be able to comfortably get back on my bike until at least Friday!

On the subject of Fat. Well, I've gotten Fat. Somehow I've gained about 15 lbs. NO - okay, I KNOW how I gained 15 lbs, but that's not to say I'm happy about it! I really need to get out for long Sunday runs again -- I run during the week -- but it's the lack of that super-long run on Sundays that's killing me. This week I think I'm going to try to get up and head out at 7:30am to try to get a decent 7km in before I meet my Learn-to-Run clinic for our usual 3k... hopefully that helps some.

Speaking of my LTR clinic. Sonia, I know you and I had big discussions about whether or not I should do it - and I'm glad you encouraged me to, and I did! I have a VERY good group of about 8 people. They're all varied in terms of speeds and ability, but they've all got a great attitude, and knowing that they're there gets me out in the evening's and to the Sunday morning RR meets to run with them.
As much as teaching the clinic may be holding me back in terms of distances --- it's actually doing good work for me in terms of speed (as I run with the faster of the group on Practice Run days) and giving me a sense of community again. I'm actually thinking of signing up for the 10k Clinic myself starting in October...just so I can improve my 10k abilities.

That's all! Hope you're all well! Sonia -- I'm going to miss you when you move away, hopefully I can find a weekend to come visit you before!